
Managers and Team Leaders Make All the Difference

Learn how to bring out the best in your employees to generate enthusiasm for improved customer experiences while connecting them to your organization’s mission. Research shows that the employee who has the opportunity to utilize their strengths is six times more likely to be more actively involved in their occupational role, compared to those who don't. (Gallup 2015)

Through individual and team coaching sessions for managers and team leaders, we focus on results from Gallup’s CliftonStrengths® for Manager report as well as the elements of great management.

Engage Your Employees; Create a Strengths-based Work Culture

  • Strengths Based Work Culture

    1.   GROWTH MINDSET. Beliefs about intelligence and talent can have a big impact on engagement and achievement.

    2.  PURPOSE. People want to experience meaning through their work.

    3.  DEVELOPMENT. People want to be developed in ways that tap their natural talents.

    4.  COACH. People want managers who value them, and can coach them to understand and apply their talents and strengths.

    5.  CONVERSATIONS. People want ongoing feedback and genuine discussions.

    6.  STRENGTHS. Employees want the chance to do what they naturally do best, every day.

    7.  LIFE. Employees want an authentic relationship that includes talk about both work and life. They want managers to invest in their development.

  • Non Strengths-Based Culture

    1.   FIXED MINDSET. Negative beliefs about our talents can decrease motivation and productivity.

    2. GETTING BY. People do not want to feel that their work is unimportant.

    3.  JOB DISATISFACTION. Employees who do not feel valued at work are 15% more likely to quit their jobs. (Gallup 2015)

    4.  BOSS. People want to have input in decisions made about their role at work.

    5.  PAYCHECKS. There is more to work than money. Many people have left unsatisfactory jobs for lower pay in a more satisfying role.

    6.  WEAKNESSES. Gallup found employees feel less confident, self-aware and productive when focusing on weaknesses rather than strengths. (2020)

    7.  JOB. Unhappy workers are more likely to feel angry at work and less likely to assist their coworkers. (Gallup 2011)